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Textbook List

Bachelor of Counselling

Semester 1, 2025

Christchurch, Henderson, Manukau

Please Note

Books that are designated under “Required Texts” are books that you will need for your course. “Recommended Texts” will be helpful for your assignment writing and worthwhile texts to add to your library, but won’t be needed for course reading.

Following are websites that you can order your textbooks from. You can order through the Manna Store henderson@manna.co.nz or through Manna Online. If you choose to do this, allow plenty of time for delivery.

Electronic books: Be aware that you can often buy the books cheaper through Amazon as electronic Kindle books. To read these you can down load free software “Kindle for PC” and read them on a laptop or you can buy a Kindle e-Reader or use a tablet (ipad etc). The advantages are price (often about $10) and instant delivery. The possible downside is having to read it on a laptop.

115 Reading the Bible


Bartholomew, Craig G, and Michael W. Goheen. The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story. 3rd Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024.

900 Foundations of Relational Practice A

Tolan, J. (2017). Skills in person-centred counselling and psychotherapy (3rd ed.). Sage
(Required Text)

Mearns, D., Thorne, B., & McLeod, J. (2013). Person-centred counselling in action (4th ed.). Sage
(Required Text)

Merry, T., & Lusty, B. (2020). Learning and being in person-centred counselling (3rd ed.). PCCS Books.
(Recommended Text)

902 Relational Theories and Practice A

McMenamin, D. (2018). Two islands and a boat: Finding and following a vision. CreateSpace.
(Required Text)

Denborough, D. (2014). Retelling the stories of our lives: Everyday narrative therapy to draw
inspiration and transform experience. Dulwich Centre Publications.
(Recommended Text)

Morgan, A. (2000). What is narrative therapy? Dulwich Centre Publications.
(Recommended Text)

White, M. (2007). Maps of narrative practice. Norton Professional Books.
(Recommended Text)

904 Integrated Practice A

McMillan, L., Penwarden, S., & Hunt, S. (Eds.). (2017). Stories of therapy, stories of faith. Wipf & Stock.
(Required Text - e-book available)

907 Bicultural Relationships: Tikanga Kawenata

Reese, A. (2024). He Tatau Pounamu: The Treaty of Waitangi: A Covenant of Reconciliation. Venn Foundation.

Culpitt, I. (1994). Bicultural fragments: A Pakeha perspective. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 2, 48–62.
(Recommended Text)

Ritchie, J., & Rau, C. (2006). Whakawhanaungatanga: Partnerships in bicultural development in early childhood care and education. Teaching and Learning Research Initiative.
(Recommended Text)

908 Counselling and Diversity

Volf, M. (2019). Exclusion and Embrace. Abingdon.
(Required Text)

Pohl, C. (1999). Making room: Recovering hospitality as a Christian tradition. Eerdmans.
(Recommended Text)

Sue, D., Sue D., Neville, H., Smith, L. (2019). Counseling the culturally Diverse: Theory and practice. John Wiley & Son.
(Recommended Text)

911 Relationships and Family

Balswick, J., Balswick, J., Frederick, T. (2021). The family: A Christian perspective on the
contemporary home. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker

Madsen, W. (2007). Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families: From old problems to new futures. New York, NY: Guildford Press.
(Required Text - ebook available)

913 Counselling Children and Young People

Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R. Y. (2018). Counselling children: A practical introduction (5th ed.). Sage.
(Required Text)

Sharry, J. (2014). Counselling children, adolescents and families: A strengths-based Approach. Sage.
(Required Text)

Tucker, C., & Smith-Adcock, S. (2016). Counselling children and adolescents: connecting theory, development, and diversity. Los Angeles: SAGE.
(Recommended Text)

White, M., & Morgan, A. (2006). Narrative therapy with children and their families. Dulwich Centre publications.
(Recommended Text )

930 Professional Practice A

Crocket, K., Agee, M., & Cornforth, S. (2011). Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors. Dunmore Press.
(Required Text)

New Zealand Association of Counsellors. (2020). Code of ethics. Author.
(Required Text)

New Zealand Christian Counsellors Association. (2018). Code of ethics. Author.
(Required Text)

932 Practicum A

Crocket, K., Agee, M., & Cornforth, S. (Eds.). (2011). Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors. Dunmore Publishing.
(Required Text)