Morning (9:30 am - 12:30 pm) |
This course aims to develop and apply a broad understanding of Old Testament foundations, and their interpretation and application within church, mission, and community contexts.
Reading the Old Testament
John de Jong, Richard Neville
This course is an introduction to the Christian study of World Religions, theology of religions and issues relating to pluralism, community relationships, dialogue and evangelism. An introduction to primal religions, Islam, Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as alternative or neo-pagan spiritualities in Western contexts. The course balances sympathetic appreciation, understanding and sensitivity with positive evangelistic commitment.
Christianity and Other Religions
Rebecca de Jong
Aim: To explore systematic theology and teach learners to think theologically. It examines God’s self-revelation, how that revelation can be understood, and why it is foundational for Christian faith. To then explore the arrangement of this revelation into a set of core beliefs and their application to everyday living.
Engaging Theology
Greg Liston, Myk Habets
This course offers a survey of major developments in the history of Christianity from the early church through to the 21st century with attention to the life and thought of key individuals.
Christian History: Our Story
Stuart Lange
This course explores the history of the Evangelical movement, from its emergence in eighteenth and nineteenth century Britian to its present global reach and articulates Evangelicalism’s distinctive theological and missional character in the contemporary context and in Aotearoa.
A History of Evangelicalism
Samuel Carpenter, Stuart Lange
Afternoon (1:30 pm - 4:30 pm) |
This course examines the existence and nature of the triune God; biblical overview of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit; God in creation and providence; the problem of evil; humans made in the image of God; the nature and origins of sin; dialogue with some contemporary and scientific reflections on creation and humanity; angels and powers and principalities.
The Trinity
Myk Habets
This course explores questions about human suffering and the God who engages with humans at the level of their despair. It engages with how the scriptures acknowledge human suffering, and looks at hope from a biblical/theological/anthropological/relational perspective.
Theology of Suffering & Hope
Immanuel Koks
This course explores the distinctive features of Old Testament wisdom and her texts, her key concerns, and her place in the life of faith, work and learning, ultimately to find that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Prov. 9:10).
John de Jong
This course explores the life setting, text, and theological perspectives of selected New Testament epistles from either Galatians, Colossians, Ephesians, or 1 John. After exploring the background to the epistle, the letter will be thoroughly exegeted, key themes will be identified and explored, and the message of the letter will be applied to contemporary life and ministry.
Epistles 1
Julia van den Brink
Evening (6:30 - 9 pm) |
This course aims to help learners reflect on personal and communal spiritual formation, through engagement with Scripture, theological understandings and a variety of Christian spiritual traditions. This reflection will include (1) evaluation of key aspects of their own formation, (2) evaluation of their experiences of personal and communal strategies intended to facilitate spiritual growth, and (3) the development of spiritual practices which will strengthen their contribution to enhancing human wellbeing within their own social and cultural contexts.
Maja Whitaker, Ryan Lang