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Course Details for Master of Theology

Henderson campus

Semester 2, 2023

Orientation: 17 - 21 July

Semester begins: 17 July

Theology Intensives week: 14 - 18 August

Mid semester break: 25 September - 6 October

Theology Intensives week: 16 - 20 October

Semester ends: 17 November

R508.830 Reflective Practice for Ministry

Maja Whitaker | 21-25 Aug 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (LR9)

The capacity to reflect on our experience is a key skill that enables us to develop as practitioners in any field of vocation, including Christian ministry. This course is for people who are active in ministry, in either churches or community organisations, who want to deepen their practice and flourish in ministry. Students will learn to critically evaluate their ministry context, to develop practices of discernment and habits of mind that produce resilience over the long-term, and to understand what they bring to their ministry role from their own personality and as a participant in community. The course is delivered through a range of seminars, workshops, reflections and fieldwork activities, and all learning is grounded in the student’s own ministry context.

R513.830 Developing a Ministry Supervision Practice

Dr David Crawley, Karen Kemp | 2-4 Aug 2023, 9 am - 4:30 pm, 13-15 Sep 2023, 9 am - 4:30 pm (LR2/LR5)

This is the second of two courses which comprise a Postgraduate Certificate in Theology, designed to equip graduates to offer professional supervision in a range of ministry contexts (understanding ministry in the broad sense of Christian vocation). Through the integration of theory, practice, and theology, it enables practitioners to develop a framework for supervision appropriate to their own cultural and professional contexts, and to engage in critically reflective practice.

R612.830 The Church for Others

Joe McGarry | 4-8 Sep 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (LR9)

The church’s social advocacy is increasingly recognised as a central aspect of her witness in the world. And yet, a call to social action can often be cast aside or seen as just one priority amongst many. This course presents biblical, theological, and historical investigations into the self-emptying existence for others which rests at the heart of Christian existence. Beginning with the biblical witness regarding the community’s posture towards the vulnerable, the course then uses Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theological work to guide our discourse. We will hear Bonhoeffer ask, “Is the church the church if she does not exist for others?” and consider the significance of moving social action from the register of mission (something the church does) into the register of being (something the church is). The course will conclude by investigating historical case studies, illuminating how social action for the other historically and consistently emerges when the church lives from her faithful identity in Christ, and how it can be applied in the varied cultural contexts that exist in Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.

This timetable is correct at the time of publication; however the College reserves the right to cancel courses, or alter lecture times should circumstances arise. Up to date information is available at any time by contacting the College.