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Course Details for Post-Graduate Certificate in Theology

Henderson campus

Semester 1, 2023

Orientation: 20 - 24 February

Semester begins: 20 February

Theology Intensives week: 20 - 24 March

Mid semester break: 11 - 21 April

Theology Intensives week: 22 - 26 May

Semester ends: 23 June

R140.830 The Gospel and its Proclamation

Dr Mark Keown | 22-26 May 2023, 9 am - 4 pm (Muriwai)

Our everyday world is an increasingly dynamic mix of faiths, philosophies, cultures and ideologies in both local and global contexts. In such a world, Christians and their communities still have the imperative to share Christ but often struggle with traditional paradigms of the gospel and its effective proclamation. This course goes deeply into New Testament understandings of the gospel and its presentation, providing a basis for sharing the gospel in today’s complex situations.

R351.830 Postgraduate Research and Writing

Dr Greg Liston, Dr Terry Pouono | 21-24 Feb 2023, 9 am - 5 pm, 22-23 Mar 2023, 9 am - 5 pm, 24 Mar 2023, 9 am - 1:30 pm (LR9)

Postgraduate Research and Writing introduces you to the wonder and joy of research. It is a course designed to inspire students with the vast breadth of cutting edge investigations that are being done by the lecturers at Laidlaw, and then to teach them how to research themselves by partnering with one of these lecturers. Students will develop and hone the skills of research and writing by designing and implementing a short research project in their own area of interest.

R361.830 Research Paper

Dependent on supervisor availability. This course offers a student a supervised research essay on an approved topic in an aspect of Theology and/or related discipline. Students can apply to the Head of Theology for enrolment in this course upon the successful completion of R351.830 Postgraduate Research and Writing.

R405.830 Mental Health and Human Flourishing

Dr Sarah Penwarden, Maja Whitaker | 27-31 Mar 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (LR9)

Mental distress can be a common but challenging aspect of human experience. In this course, students will explore how to understand mental distress from within the framework of practical theology. Students will learn how to articulate a theology of mental distress as well as human flourishing and shalom, through a focus on mental health in general and particular experiences such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. Students will gain an understanding of issues of stigma surrounding mental distress in society. Students will evaluate pastoral responses to mental distress, and will articulate an understanding of what a wise, compassionate, and informed pastoral response might involve within the varied cultural contexts of Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.

R507.830 Anointed Ministry

Dr Myk Habets | 1-4 May 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, 5 May 2023, 9:30 am - 1 pm (LR9)

This course examines the doctrine of the Trinity and applies this to pastoral practices in order to allow the doctrine of the Trinity to have a controlling influence over such practices. This course addresses key concerns related to the practice of ministry. By grounding the course in a robust trinitarianism, students will receive a clear biblical and theological foundation for ministry as participation in the ongoing ministry of Christ in the world in the power of the Spirit, thus preparing them for effective Christocentric pastoral and missional leadership. The course develops historical, theological, and ministerial themes, and seeks to enable students to develop convictions for ministry and reflect on ecclesial practices such as administration of the sacraments, pastoral care, preaching, prayer, and worship.

R512.830 Foundations of Ministry Supervision

Dr David Crawley, Karen Kemp | 15-17 Mar 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, 31 May - 2 Jun 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (LR3)

This is the first of two courses which together comprise a Postgraduate Certificate in Theology, designed to equip graduates to offer professional supervision in a range of ministry contexts (understanding ministry in the broad sense of Christian vocation). It examines the nature and purpose of professional supervision, including its importance in people-related ministries. Several theoretical approaches to supervision will be evaluated and participants will reflect critically on theological, ethical, and cultural dimensions of offering supervision in their own contexts. A minimum of two years of ministry or professional experience is normally required for entry.

This timetable is correct at the time of publication; however the College reserves the right to cancel courses, or alter lecture times should circumstances arise. Up to date information is available at any time by contacting the College.