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Course Details for Bachelor of Ministries

Distance Learning campus

Semester 2, 2022

126.615/715 Wisdom

Dr John de Jong

This course explores the distinctive features of Old Testament wisdom and her texts, her key concerns, and her place in the life of faith, work and learning, ultimately to find that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Prov. 9:10).

152.615/715 Epistles 2

Dr Mark Keown

This course explores the life setting, text, and theological perspectives of selected New Testament epistles from either Philippians, the Thessalonian letters, James, or 1 Peter. After exploring the background to the epistle, the letter will be thoroughly exegeted, key themes will be identified and explored, and the message of the letter will be applied to contemporary life and ministry.

203.615/715 The Trinity

Dr Myk Habets

This course examines the existence and nature of the triune God; biblical overview of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit; God in creation and providence; the problem of evil; humans made in the image of God; the nature and origins of sin; dialogue with some contemporary and scientific reflections on creation and humanity; angels and powers and principalities.

219.615/715 Ngākau Maia: Christian Confidence

Dr Greg Liston

This course explores how we can genuinely know and authentically live out the truth contained within the Biblical narrative. Recognising that all truth is indwelled truth leads to a posture of “proper confidence” in the gospel. This “proper confidence” is contrasted with alternative constructions of truth and meaning common in contemporary New Zealand society and beyond. The course provides and encourages the development of new examples and practical outworking’s of an indwelled gospel truth which is directly applicable to the student’s everyday experience.

542.615/715 Youth Ministry Leadership

Matt Maslin, Zara Maslin

This course explores the topic of leadership in youth ministry with an emphasis upon developing sustainable leadership practices. Topics covered in the course include: biblical and theological reflection on leadership; personal and communal practices to support effective and sustainable leadership; risk management; management and teamwork; and nurturing new leaders.

575.615/715 Pastoral Leadership

Reuben Munn

This course explores the integration of biblical, theological and management perspectives for church ministry. Students will critically evaluate a range of approaches and work toward a personal philosophy of church leadership and management.

607.615/715 Christianity and Other Religions

Rebecca de Jong

This course is an introduction to the Christian study of World Religions, theology of religions and issues relating to pluralism, community relationships, dialogue and evangelism. An introduction to primal religions, Islam, Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as alternative or neo-pagan spiritualities in Western contexts. The course balances sympathetic appreciation, understanding and sensitivity with positive evangelistic commitment.

This timetable is correct at the time of publication; however the College reserves the right to cancel courses, or alter lecture times should circumstances arise. Up to date information is available at any time by contacting the College.